Steamy Mysteries and Sultry Romance
Hello and welcome to my website.
Check out NEWS for information about my Author's Coffee Corner at Coffee Time forums. Be sure to check out my blog https://samanthagentry.blogspot.com. A new post each Sunday morning plus updates on where I'm guest blogging and other appearances and participations. I'm now on Facebook and also have a Facebook Fan Page.
Under BIO you'll find my biography and what my typical day is like.
BOOKS includes covers, blurbs, excerpts and reviews of my published books. PLEASE NOTE: many of my books are highly sensual and some of the excerpts contain adult content.
COMING SOON is my upcoming releases.
I also have a section for my pseudonym of SHAWNA DELACORTE and a listing of my Harlequin/Silhouette backlist.
And every now and then I'll have a free short story written by me or the occasional offering from a new, as yet unpublished writer. Currently under BITS & PIECES, is a 'short story titled THE MESSAGE, written by as yet unpublished writer Shannon Gray. I hope you enjoy it.
LINKS includes a link to my publishers and websites of fellow writers.
And last, but not least, CONTACT ME to send me an email.
So, browse and enjoy.
Thank you for stopping by.
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